Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Another Abortion Mill Closed In Florida
Hat tip to Worldnetdaily.com
OperationRescue.org reports that another Florida abortion mill is closing.
(photo OperationRescue.org)
Operation Rescue Article
Randall Whitney said that he will continue performing abortions in Orlando but the Daytona Beach location will be open for "non-abortion services".
MonthlyCallForLife.com - The only nationwide pro-life call to action
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
OperationRescue.org reports that another Florida abortion mill is closing.
(photo OperationRescue.org)
Operation Rescue Article
Randall Whitney said that he will continue performing abortions in Orlando but the Daytona Beach location will be open for "non-abortion services".
MonthlyCallForLife.com - The only nationwide pro-life call to action
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on