Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sign the petition at ChargeTiller.com
On December 21st, 2006, after evidence was reviewed by two judges and probable cause found by both, Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline filed 30 criminal charges against the most notorious late term abortionist in the nation, George Tiller, known as “Tiller the Killer.” Under constant assault by the liberal media and pressure from all sides within the abortion industry, this prolife Champion has carried the ball alone in this legal battle against all odds to simply enforce the law in Kansas. Since this date, the pro-abortion politicians in Kansas have done everything possible to obstruct justice. This is an urgent battle cry for every true pro-life heart in America today to step into the battle with former Attorney General Kline and help expose this legal and moral outrage which continues to go on in Kansas to protect Mr. George Tiller from being charged with 30 counts of illegal abortion.
Click here to read more at ChargeTiller.com
Click here to read more at ChargeTiller.com