Thursday, July 26, 2007 Face the Truth Tour 2007 To Be Held July 30th - August 3rd
Erik Scheidler and Jack Ames
The Washington D.C. area Face the Truth Tour is hosted by and will be held next week from July the 30th to August the 3rd. Stops will include Charlestown, WV, Naval Observatory, Holocaust Museum, Harford Comm. College and many more. Go to for the entire schedule and to read more.
A Face the Truth Tour is an event where Pro-Life people show up at heavily trafficed areas, pull out large signs of aborted babies, and proceed to show people driving and walking by what abortion really is. This event is held around the country in different cities.
This year, will be broadcasting live video and audio from the field so people can see what a Face the Truth Tour really looks like. Go to the website on Monday for broadcast times and events.
The event is highly controversial, even in the Pro-Life movement. Many people say that the signs shouldn't be used in public because children might be exposed to them. Pro-Life people who use the signs say that not only have they saved lives after men and women have seen them, but that they are necessary to show people what the truth of abortion looks like.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Video - Interview with Aching Ragwar - University of Maryland Students for Life
Peter Shinn met with various Pro-Life leaders at the University of Maryland GAP (Gencidal Awareness Project) Aching Ragwar, President of Students for Life at UMD, was one of the people who spoke about the event.
Click here to continue reading and to view the video at
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Virginia Abortionist Surrenders License
Mi Yong Kim, an abortionist who used to perform abortions at Eaton Place in Virginia, has voluntarily surrendered her license. She has had extensive healthcare violations which led to this action.
From the Virginia Health Provider website:
LICENSE # 0101023297
Issue Date: 6/11/1973
Expiration Date: 5/18/2007
Status: Surrendered
It isn't the first time Kim has had problems.
Click here to continue reading at
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Face the Truth Tour Chicago - July 7 Through July 14
Ann Scheidler
From Generations for Life:
Ann Scheidler
On the heels of the Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal ban on Partial Birth Abortion, it is urgent that we show our fellow citizens that all forms of abortion are brutal and ought to be likewise outlawed. Join the Pro-Life Action League as we expose the truth of what abortion does to its unborn victims during our eighth annual Face the Truth Tour throughout northeastern Illinois.
The complete itinerary for the 2007 Tour has just been published and is now available online. The Tour will begin Saturday, July 7 in Joliet, which drew the largest number of volunteers during last year's Tour.
From Generations for Life:
Our Face the Truth Tour starts tomorrow and runs through next Saturday, July 14.
If you’re anywhere near Chicago, join us! If not, please say some prayers for us — and, even more importantly, pray that many people’s hearts will be changed by seeing the ugly reality of abortion.
Friday, July 06, 2007
July 6th - Call for Life Today!
Hello friends of the unborn, it's time to Call For Life!
Every month on the first Friday we call and/or email our representatives to ask them to oppose abortion and human killing research. If we don't let our representatives know that they should do the right thing, who will? It's not just our vote that counts, it's our voice and our email.
Go to for everything you need, like who to contact and what you might want to say.
This Call for Life only comes once a month, so don't miss your opportunity.
Why is this going to make a difference anyway?
Well, first of all, doing nothing gets us nothing. Second, I know we are all working on our individual projects or talking with people every day, but we pro-life people can take a few minutes out of our day once a month on the first Friday to let our representatives know that they should do everything they can to stop abortion.
There are millions of us pieces of the pro-life puzzle working in our individual efforts around the country. Coming together and speaking as one on a regular basis unites and amplifies our message.
Please spend an extra few minutes helping the unborn once a month on the first Friday. Our representatives need to hear from us frequently.
Call For Life Today!
Remember, the unborn only have us, and if we don't show up for them, they will die alone - The only nationwide monthly Pro-Life action call to action
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Every month on the first Friday we call and/or email our representatives to ask them to oppose abortion and human killing research. If we don't let our representatives know that they should do the right thing, who will? It's not just our vote that counts, it's our voice and our email.
Go to for everything you need, like who to contact and what you might want to say.
This Call for Life only comes once a month, so don't miss your opportunity.
Why is this going to make a difference anyway?
Well, first of all, doing nothing gets us nothing. Second, I know we are all working on our individual projects or talking with people every day, but we pro-life people can take a few minutes out of our day once a month on the first Friday to let our representatives know that they should do everything they can to stop abortion.
There are millions of us pieces of the pro-life puzzle working in our individual efforts around the country. Coming together and speaking as one on a regular basis unites and amplifies our message.
Please spend an extra few minutes helping the unborn once a month on the first Friday. Our representatives need to hear from us frequently.
Call For Life Today!
Remember, the unborn only have us, and if we don't show up for them, they will die alone - The only nationwide monthly Pro-Life action call to action
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Nationwide Call For Life Friday, July 6th
July the 6th is the next Call For Life day at Every month on the first Friday we Email and/or call our representatives to let them know that we want them to end abortion and stop human killing research.
Over 3,000 human beings will be killed by abortion today and every day. Please, do just a little bit more to help save them. It only takes a few minutes of your time.
Also, join us at the abortion mills on the first Saturday following the first Friday. You will be on the front lines of this battle against abortion. We pray, counsel and walk in front of the abortion mills, hoping to discourage women from having abortions. We are not violent or angry. The women going in for abortions need our help, they need our presence. The people who won't live that day need our prayers. - The only nationwide monthly pro-life action effort
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Over 3,000 human beings will be killed by abortion today and every day. Please, do just a little bit more to help save them. It only takes a few minutes of your time.
Also, join us at the abortion mills on the first Saturday following the first Friday. You will be on the front lines of this battle against abortion. We pray, counsel and walk in front of the abortion mills, hoping to discourage women from having abortions. We are not violent or angry. The women going in for abortions need our help, they need our presence. The people who won't live that day need our prayers. - The only nationwide monthly pro-life action effort
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Pro-Lifers Picket NEA Teacher Convention
Seventy-five pro-life teachers, parents and children successfully picketed the NEA convention in Philadelphia on Sunday, July 1. Aged eight to eighty, they took positions on all four corners of Arch & 11th Streets, displaying high-visibility signs and posters easily seen by thousands of NEA Delegates disembarking from shuttle buses or entering and leaving the massive PA Convention Center’s doorways.
Pro-lifers and delegates were interviewed by reporters and photojournalists from FOX, Philadelphia Bulletin, Washington Times, Catholic Standard & Times, etc. Many delegates openly expressed disbelief, skepticism, and even shock, at the revelation that NEA was involved in abortion at all – much less in an advocacy role – much less pro-abortion. They were totally unaware of NEA’s long-standing “Family Planning Resolution” supporting "reproductive freedom” and “all methods of family planning” – including abortion. Some refused to accept the well-documented fact that NEA is one of Planned Parenthood’s primary advocates and actually co-sponsored huge pro-abortion rallies in Washington in April 2004, April 1992, and November 1989.
A few belligerent delegates verbally berated the pro-lifers, accusing them of “lying”. Others thanked pro-lifers for bringing NEA’s abortion activism into sharp focus. Some said they would raise the issue on the Convention Floor and attempt to have NEA totally abandon its pro-abortion agenda and activism. Bob Pawson, National Coordinator of PLEAS and NJEA member, said, “We joined NEA for collective bargaining representation; not to be misrepresented on socio-political or moral issues like abortion, homosexuality, or who to vote for. Respect the diversity of 3.2 million members. Totally disengage NEA from the abortion issue. Become truly neutral and completely non-involved.” "The NEA leadership's pro-abortion agenda is a perverse way of protecting our jobs. Babies are our business; our only business. For NEA to condone, much less promote, killing babies in their wombs is not only a moral outrage; it’s economic suicide. Abortion costs us our jobs.”
NEA wants us unified for contract negotiations every few years, yet simultaneously divides us with radical, far left, extremist positions on issues like abortion. News flash: We don’t feel unified. We feel betrayed. We resent the use of our dues monies to subvert our personal moral values, and then being offered “thirty pieces of silver’.” “I urge pro-life NEA members across America to run for union offices at all levels, including Convention Delegate. Take back our union. Join the NEA Reform Revolution.”
The two-hour demonstration closed with prayer shortly after 3:00 PM. Pro-Life Educators And Students
PO Box 2826 Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
Bob Pawson
National Coordinator of PLEAS
(609) 610-3522
Seventy-five pro-life teachers, parents and children successfully picketed the NEA convention in Philadelphia on Sunday, July 1. Aged eight to eighty, they took positions on all four corners of Arch & 11th Streets, displaying high-visibility signs and posters easily seen by thousands of NEA Delegates disembarking from shuttle buses or entering and leaving the massive PA Convention Center’s doorways.
Pro-lifers and delegates were interviewed by reporters and photojournalists from FOX, Philadelphia Bulletin, Washington Times, Catholic Standard & Times, etc. Many delegates openly expressed disbelief, skepticism, and even shock, at the revelation that NEA was involved in abortion at all – much less in an advocacy role – much less pro-abortion. They were totally unaware of NEA’s long-standing “Family Planning Resolution” supporting "reproductive freedom” and “all methods of family planning” – including abortion. Some refused to accept the well-documented fact that NEA is one of Planned Parenthood’s primary advocates and actually co-sponsored huge pro-abortion rallies in Washington in April 2004, April 1992, and November 1989.
A few belligerent delegates verbally berated the pro-lifers, accusing them of “lying”. Others thanked pro-lifers for bringing NEA’s abortion activism into sharp focus. Some said they would raise the issue on the Convention Floor and attempt to have NEA totally abandon its pro-abortion agenda and activism. Bob Pawson, National Coordinator of PLEAS and NJEA member, said, “We joined NEA for collective bargaining representation; not to be misrepresented on socio-political or moral issues like abortion, homosexuality, or who to vote for. Respect the diversity of 3.2 million members. Totally disengage NEA from the abortion issue. Become truly neutral and completely non-involved.” "The NEA leadership's pro-abortion agenda is a perverse way of protecting our jobs. Babies are our business; our only business. For NEA to condone, much less promote, killing babies in their wombs is not only a moral outrage; it’s economic suicide. Abortion costs us our jobs.”
NEA wants us unified for contract negotiations every few years, yet simultaneously divides us with radical, far left, extremist positions on issues like abortion. News flash: We don’t feel unified. We feel betrayed. We resent the use of our dues monies to subvert our personal moral values, and then being offered “thirty pieces of silver’.” “I urge pro-life NEA members across America to run for union offices at all levels, including Convention Delegate. Take back our union. Join the NEA Reform Revolution.”
The two-hour demonstration closed with prayer shortly after 3:00 PM. Pro-Life Educators And Students
PO Box 2826 Hamilton Square, NJ 08690
Bob Pawson
National Coordinator of PLEAS
(609) 610-3522