Thursday, July 26, 2007 Face the Truth Tour 2007 To Be Held July 30th - August 3rd
Erik Scheidler and Jack Ames
The Washington D.C. area Face the Truth Tour is hosted by and will be held next week from July the 30th to August the 3rd. Stops will include Charlestown, WV, Naval Observatory, Holocaust Museum, Harford Comm. College and many more. Go to for the entire schedule and to read more.
A Face the Truth Tour is an event where Pro-Life people show up at heavily trafficed areas, pull out large signs of aborted babies, and proceed to show people driving and walking by what abortion really is. This event is held around the country in different cities.
This year, will be broadcasting live video and audio from the field so people can see what a Face the Truth Tour really looks like. Go to the website on Monday for broadcast times and events.
The event is highly controversial, even in the Pro-Life movement. Many people say that the signs shouldn't be used in public because children might be exposed to them. Pro-Life people who use the signs say that not only have they saved lives after men and women have seen them, but that they are necessary to show people what the truth of abortion looks like.
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